Sylvain Gouraud

Un ensemble

Born in 1979 in Paris, France.
Lives and works between Montreuil and Aouste-sur-Sye, France.

Un ensemble is a photographic and acoustic installation representing men and women confronting nature in and around the Saint- Eutrope wood, stuck between the Fleury- Mérogis Prison, the former Hippodrome of Ris-Orangis and the highway, the nationale 104. Nature is not happy, it is quite constrained, with tension zones exacerbated by the continuous, concentrated use by its residents. The forest is a hiding place, a hideout where one can get away from the ‘control’ zones.

Lieux d’exposition

  • Ouvrage Université (Line 15) – Image de l'œuvre
  • Magasins généraux – Œuvre
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