Works by the artists from the first five years of the national photographic commission Regards du Grand Paris are presented at the Magasins généraux in the form of a thematic path specially laid out, allowing visitors a way of exploring ‘le Grand Paris’ step by step, its spaces, its landscapes, its cultures, attempting to fully comprehend the issues at stake in this changing land.
The exhibition is organized into five venues which offer many different perspectives and issues. Their vocabulary is an everyday one, city-driven, poetic. So “the street” is in front of the “monument,” moves along “the river,” crosses through “the park” and connects to “the square.” These places create the path for the visitors, in no particular order, both limited and infinite, facing the art works, a movement in the landscape of this city-world.

The setting for the exhibition, conceived by the architects Lucie Rebeyrol and Ian Ollivier, lays out these urban archetypes with the idea of showing a city in transition. The display rails in raw wood, replicating the theme of the construction site fences, and the use of basic construction materials such as cinder blocks and the straps which hold them up, echo the cement architecture already in place. These modules are placed on the ground floor level of the building, around a central street symbolically linking Paris intra-muros and ‘le Grand Paris.’ Chalk-colored fabrics, echoing the stone in historical Parisian buildings, flow through the show, highlighting the spaces of the five places included in it.
🗺 Download the exhibition map (in French).
Wednesday,- Sunday, 2-8 PM.
Evening hours Thursdays until 10 PM
Admission: free
Camille Ayme, Aurore Bagarry, Julie Balagué, Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques, Raphaël Dallaporta, Hannah Darabi et Benoît Grimbert, Mathias Depardon and Guillaume Perrier, Gabriel Desplanque, Patrizia Di Fiore, Alassan Diawara, Sylvain Gouraud, Julien Guinand, Gilberto Güiza-Rojas, Lucie Jean, Karim Kal, Mana Kikuta, Assia Labbas, Lucas Leglise, Geoffroy Mathieu, Olivier Menanteau, Francis Morandini, Baudouin Mouanda, Khalil Nemmaoui, Marion Poussier, Marie Quéau, Maxence Rifflet, Sandra Rocha, Po Sim Sambath, Luise Schröder, Alexandra Serrano and Simon Pochet, Anne-Lise Seusse, Bertrand Stofleth, Zhao Sun, Chenxin Tang, Rebecca TopakianMagasins généraux
1 rue de l'Ancien Canal
93500 Pantin