Alexandra Serrano and Simon Pochet

Forêt métropolitaine

Alexandra Serrano, born in 1988 in Fontainebleau, France.
Lives and works in the Paris area, France.
Simon Pochet, born in 1990 in Nantua, France.
Lives and works near Grenoble, France.

Forêt Métropolitaine (Metropolitan Forest) is an investigation of the history of one place with a specific identity: the plain of Pierrelaye-Bessancourt (Val-d’Oise). Once a zone for spreading grey water from the capital, the area is now home to the largest reforestation operation undertaken in France in four centuries. After having been buried, the prints reveal the toxicity of the ground. This project accounts for the transformations in the area and the imagination attached to its new destiny: an ultra-connected forest, the green lungs of ‘le Grand Paris.’

Lieux d’exposition

  • Stade de France (Line 16) – Image de l'œuvre
  • Magasins généraux – Œuvre
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